I will miss the hours my collie and I spent together on our deck. What a terrific companion this dog is for me and my hubby. As I took in the backyard scenery this summer and listened to the birds sing and gazed at my beautiful flowers, Max maintained his usual watchful eye and keen ear in case of trouble.
The only real trouble that came our way out on the deck happened one night while Max and I were sitting quietly in the dark. Our resident raccoon, unaware Max and I were sitting nearby, decided to check out our gazebo. Once I realized something big was nosing around the grill that sits in the gazebo, I let out a series of hisses causing the raccoon to scurry toward an exit. Max rushed toward the gazebo in hot pursuit of the intruder. Too late, Mr. Raccoon escaped to safe quarters in an oak tree close by surviving to snoop around another night.
(Double click the following photos for exciting detail.)
What a treat when a particular hummingbird pays us a visit. He flutters in mid air effortlessly while he takes a sample from first one flower then another and another before flying off to perch on a limb in our woods. My flowers! They are like my babies almost. I pamper them. I worry about them. Do they need a drink? How about a little pruning?