Tuesday, November 15, 2005

First Snow

Originally uploaded by scott & angel.

Frigid wind swoops down

Scatters fall's colorful gems

Ushers in first snow


(Haiku: A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.)


  1. a lake effect snow
    blasts icicles down the street
    wait, that's my fingers

  2. Ouch! That be cold sir
    How'd you come upon my place?
    (A high coo back 2 U)

    Oh, and b1-66er:

    High cooing it is
    so much work for so little
    return on one's time


    (thanks for dropping by)

  3. Well, looks like we have another participant to "Haiku Tuesday!" If you go to Libby's Site you can see all the others as well!

  4. A blogger, a painter, and a poet to boot?

  5. Susieq:
    I was stunned to see your comment on my--so-called and possibly soon to be defunct--blog. I'm still debating about whether to continue it and, if so, what it should "be." Hmmm...I'm also gratified that you're proof there are other bloggers about as long in the tooth as I am.

  6. Hey Mimi, thanks for stopping by.

    "Long in the tooth" is one not heard that often to describe somebody who is elderly. Although my body reminds me to the contrary now and then, I try to think of myself as ageless.

    I'll swing by and leave some suggestions as to what I think your blog could be for you.

  7. Haiku... God bless you

  8. Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
